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View Full Version : Help With Expanding Menu

27 Mar 2011, 01:42 PM
I have created an eLearning project using a Rapid authoring Tool, that utilises html, css and js. However, the menu expands showing all 141 menu objects when initialised.

Can anyone identify the coding changes I need to make in order collapse on open?? There is no option in the Rapid Authoring Tool to make this change.

I would be most greatful if anyone can give me pointers, or tutorials, as I may need to make this modification on other projects in the future.

I have uploaded the package, less the flash content and PDFs, to the following URL:

Many thanks for all your help


28 Mar 2011, 08:04 PM
Go to my website www.fighterspalace.net and sign up and check out the menu on the left. If thats what you mean i can send you the coding for a menu like that and all you have to do is edit the menu names and the links to go with the names