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View Full Version : Mobile Website Optimization Tips

30 Mar 2011, 12:52 AM
• First analyze and observe the audience, and determine why your visitors are visiting your site and make the steps relevant to your visitor's needs.
• Another tip while considering about mobile website optimization is to keep your mobile site clean and simple.
• Keep in mind mobile users mainly come to browse text based information not for images so avoid images. Also they won’t wait to see images in low band width.
• Do not use Flash, java script or frames, pop ups, iframes.
• Place main contents at the top of the first page and follow with navigation.
• Keep the website navigation very simple using large text links. And other contents should be 1-3 clicks away from the homepage.
• Use sitemaps and robots.txt file so that spiders can quickly index your mobile website.
• Another important thing is, users have come to visit and get information from your site. Your users should not be used as your website testers; you will have to test your mobile website with mobile devices and emulators.

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06 Apr 2011, 06:58 PM
Design mobile Web Design screen size 320 Χ 240 pixels. Use Alt - label all the images, visitors often stop to download pictures to your cell phone accessories are in order to reduce bandwidth consumption. Create a CSS file that will allow you to reduce your website design to the most basic elements.