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View Full Version : Page Rank vs. Site Value

06 Apr 2011, 09:54 PM
I don't undersdtand the relationship between PR and site value.
For example, I know a PR4 site that makes a LOT of money selling ads, so much so that they are putting many magazines in the same niche out of business. Then I see PR5 or PR6 websites in the same niche and they are not doing nearly as well in advertising, and their viewer count is maybe only 50% of the PR4 site that I am thinking of.
Obviously PR must not be only linked to # of viewers.
Can someone explain this?
In addition, I have a PR4 site, and the same site I mentioned earlier gets probably tens of thousands times the viewers I get. They make gobs in ads and I doubt I could make much. That being said, we have different niches. They are in the general fishing category, and I am in fishing photography. They have forums that get tons of people coming back, and my site has no forums.
How are we both PR 4's, then, and why are people so obsessed with PR rank when it doesn't necessarily correlate with site value? You'd think with the great disparity between my site and this other site I speak of in terms of viewers, and their obvious site value, people would be more concerned with viewership. Or maybe they are, too. I am confused.
Thanks in advance for any input.
bluewaterjon.com (http://www.bluewaterjon.com/)