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View Full Version : My image fading issues

20 Apr 2011, 03:41 PM
Hi All,

I am a Photographer attempting to create a website for my business. You can see what i have created so far here...


I have a basic understanding of HTML from years ago, but started from scratch here in Dreamweaver. To be honest i am struggling to understand the relationships between CSS, javascript and HTML, so have been using design mode and pretty much ignoring the script. Not a great idea i'm sure....

My problem is that the image fades are not working as i had hoped - the image loads gradually before then fading. It's just about ok in Firefox on a fast connection but in Safari / Chrome it is enough to give you a seizure what with all the flickering...
Haven't tried in IE.

I have also used a spry effect for the fade. Not sure if this is a good idea...

I'm keen to resolve this issue asap and get the site running properly so i can show people. I'm slightly concerned i may have gone about this in the wrong way by putting every image on a separate page instead of using some sort of gallery function within 1 page. However if i were to go down this route it would cause issues with my thumbnails section, as well as the numbering...

Can anyone provide a solution within the current framework, ideally to preload the images before they fade in, perhaps with a 'loading' icon in the meantime?

With huge thanks for any contributions! :confused: