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View Full Version : 2 questions: 1. we have a .php site can I add a.html page? 2. is the .php ok on this

25 Apr 2011, 02:39 PM
2 questions:
1. we have a .php based site, the index is index.php (sorry I'm not so technical) here is our site http://www.bluebacklinks.com I included a link towards the bottom of the home page, this is the link: free backlink checker ( http://www.bluebacklinks.com/freebacklink-checker.html )
this link is an .html page...Is that an ok thing to do..to add a .html page, to a .php page? SInce google is not indexing that page perfectly

2. also I added a .php code (backlink checker) in that same .html page: http://www.bluebacklinks.com/freebacklink-checker.html did I placed the php code perfectly into the .html page? SInc it is working but I don't know if its slowing things down???

Again sorry I'm not that technical so if anyone can help thank you so much, also please explain your answer in a simply way ; )