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View Full Version : Dreamweaver CS5 - Common header / Spry Menu across pages

10 May 2011, 06:31 AM
Dear All,

I have recently jumped into the world of Webdesign. I am a complete NEWBIE with almost NO experience of webdesign. However, over the last few weeks i have been watching some tutorials on Dreamweaver CS5. I have come to a stage where I can (All in Dreamweaver) Setup a site locally, create the index.html, add additional pages with static content, work with divs as well as CSS. I have also been able to add and customise the Spry Menubar.

My problem is as follows: My proposed website is going to have 5 pages. 2 of these pages will have sub pages. On the home page, i have a header, body, footer. inside the header is the logo and the Spry Menubar.

The body has the content (Static - text and images) and the footer has the info (text) as required.

I have also created the other pages (About Us, Products, Contact Us...). Each one of them has their respective contents.

Where I am stuck is....How do i get the header from the index.html (which includes the logo as well as Spry menu) to be replicated across all my pages. I also want my footer to be common across all pages.

Do I have to re-build the header in every page?
Do I have to use some particular CSS?
DO I have to use templates?..not sure how to use them!

I am sure there is an easy way to do it in DW CS5..but I am really stuck.

Please help !


10 May 2011, 07:39 AM
You would use template pages. If you google Dreamweaver Template Pages, you can find a lot of resources explaining, and I know it's been referenced several times on this site, so you could search here.

Additionally, if you site will be used on a php capable server, then you can use php includes (a lot easier to implement and maintain).