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View Full Version : CSS Borders and Overall Width

10 May 2011, 10:45 AM
Hi Guys,

Quick question. I was wondering if adding a border onto a div actually increases the height/width of it?

For example, if I have a div with a class of "container" and in css I set the container to a width of 600px, and then add a border of 10px, is the border within the div or around the outside?

If it does go around the outside than I guess my div is actually 620px wide (10px border on each side)?

10 May 2011, 01:35 PM

Width or height that you set is actually just the dimension of the content area itself. Padding, border and margin don't belong to that dimension.

Example: Let say you make a box with 600px width and 400px height, then a padding of 20px in all direction, border of 5px and margin 10px all around, then the space that you need is:

Width needed = 600px (content) + 40px (padding) + 10px (border) + 20px (margin)

Height needed = I guess you knew