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View Full Version : CSS issue

10 May 2011, 03:50 PM
OK, so I know this is a total css thing (emphasis on the cascading), but I have no idea what the problem is:


if you hover over the "Places" link, the submenu pops out. the text on it is the same size as the main links. If you hover over any of the submenu links, it shrinks down in size. Then if you unhover, it stays the same smaller size.

The problem is this...I need the sublinks to start off at that smaller size, and not the same size as the main links.

Anyone have any ideas on how to sort this out? I know it has to do with the css, but I'm not seeing multiple font-size calls.

11 May 2011, 10:30 AM
nevermind...I figured it out. Turns out, it WAS a CSS issue. It was pulling the main font-size from the parent ul > li > a call. Then resizing when I hovered over it. Had to explicitly state the font-size on the cihld ul > li > a selector.