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View Full Version : My Website Is Messed Up When Viewed In IE

10 May 2011, 07:23 PM
Good Evening Everyone,

I've just encountered this problem when I was testing my site. I've been developing it on Firefox and it looks right. But when I switch it over to IE every single page is wrong. I'm at a loss because I'm almost to my new expected launch date (the previous one being over 2 months overdue) and I know that some people are going to be using IE and when they visit my site they are going to exit it immediately.

If someone could help me figure out a solution to make it the site look the same on all browsers I'd appreciate it.

The website is:


11 May 2011, 12:23 AM
Please down load latest version of ie8 i sure your will pick up your site pages before you open after a week clear all data.