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View Full Version : Wordpress layout

07 Jun 2011, 05:16 AM
Hello I am in the stages of making a personal/tutorial website. This site I will have videos of tutorials such as making a website using free software and hosting as well as sub domain names. I also will have tutorials such as cartoon yourself in Photoshop, YouTube layouts, tagged layouts, as well as many different thugs I have learned in the past years. I have just started using wordpress and I am running into problems with my layout. If anyone could help me out and maybe teach me how to create a simple template or could make one for me. I would like a custom drop down menu and a transparent table behind the content. I am able to add a background image as well as the banner. I do not want comment boxes on the page as well. If you would like to help me out and have a link to your portfolio on the page that would be awesome. I am on a lot of sites and will be advertising it ALOT so you will get people going to your page as well. My website is www.Blakestribling.com thanks for your time. :mad: