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View Full Version : Who’s using media queries?

17 Jun 2011, 12:28 PM
I’m not sure if this is right place to post this, but I was a little shocked when I did a web search for examples of media queries.

There are a number of sites where the author tells us of the benefits of using media queries to make your pages fit on every sized browser window. The amazing point of my research was that “ALL” of the sites I visited were either created on fixed width templates that floated to the center of my browser window, and if I made my browser smaller, I had to scroll sideways, or, the site was a fluid design where the lines grew to enormous lengths as I stretched my browser window wider and wider.

If you are going to write an article about media queries, shouldn’t your page be written using that technology?

Is anyone actually using this technology?

17 Jun 2011, 03:48 PM
As media queries are kind of in it's "infancy" (if there is such a thing in terms of web design) I don't see a problem with writing articles on topics that may not be implemented on the page. They could be on a CMS and writing in the functionality of media queries could be a time consuming process, much like integrating CSS3 or HTML5 standards. You can do it, but it'll take some work.