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View Full Version : Streaming radio station- best way to go about it?

30 Aug 2011, 09:34 AM
I'm rather new to the whole web-development thing, but I do a bit of programming so it doesn't seem out of my rrange of understanding.

Anyway, I'm trying to create a website about 8bit music, chiptunes, videogame music, ect. What's the best way to have a streaming audio feed that minimizes bandwidth usage? I'm using bluehost as my hosting service, and they claim I have unlimited bandwidth but I imagine streaming mp3s to people will use up alot of bandwidth in no time and they'll do something to correct the "issue".

So, whats the best way to set up your own streaming radio station via your website? Is there a most efficient file-type to stream? Should I use a third-party service and link to it? Any opinions or links to information would be appreciated.

Thank you.

06 Sep 2011, 03:38 AM
Also, make sure the music you will use is legit otherwise they won't let you upload it.