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View Full Version : Firefox 6 - CSS Different?

02 Sep 2011, 09:03 AM
As a web designer, I'm used to having to deal with IE issues, hacks, etc. However, I've recently noticed some things with the new Firefox 6.

Has anyone out there noticed anything regarding the way sites are rendering in Firefox 6, as opposed to Firefox 3.X, or Chrome, Opera, Safari, etc? All of a sudden, little...but many...things seem buggy. I'm mostly referring to location of items. For instance on some sites, my menu might appear shifted a bit off to the left, for instance. But, not in any other browsers, including FF 3.X. Some other things, like padding seems a bit off, too.

Anyone notice anything like that? Thanks in advance.

13 Sep 2011, 04:29 AM
I'm having the same problem with one of my menus. It's 2px off in Firefox 6 but fine in Chrome, IE, Opera, and Safari. I haven't figured out why yet, but wow, the last few versions of firefox have been kind of shoddy...