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View Full Version : Div element hiden/blocked by Firefox add block plus

25 Sep 2011, 09:32 AM
Hi i was just building a test webpage and when i created a div element with id="adverts" i was surprised that it was not visible and disappeared when uploaded to Apache folder and loaded it thru the server.
I was lucky enough to see some info about why it is missing by examining it by Firefox plug-in firebug and there i saw a strange attribute which was hiding the div element by google-ing some part for it and viewing the abp string in it i found that it was blocked by the adverts block software.

I write that because i found it strange and may help someone else.

Well the reason maybe that i found it instead of writing here and ask for help was that my account was still to be approved and that make me find the solution (just proves how lazy we are and that we can do stuff when we try :-) )

28 Sep 2011, 09:47 PM
I don't know how many FF users have the/an ad blocker plug-in installed, but it is one of the reasons I use FF. So you should always code in such a way that an ad section can be missed.