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View Full Version : problem in changing data using onclick

20 Dec 2011, 08:59 PM

I have a queries to display data in my template file, and i encountered problem in onclick EMP_ID

here is my query:

include 'config.php';

$currentEmpID = $_SESSION['empID'];

$sql = "SELECT em.EMP_ID, s.EMP_NO, s.SSSLoan, s.SSSAmor FROM $PAYROLL.sssloan s, $ADODB_DB.employment em WHERE em.EMP_NO= s.EMP_NO AND em.EMP_ID = '$currentEmpID'";
$rsloan = $conn2->Execute($sql);

$LOAN = trim($rsloan->fields['SSSLoan']);
$AMOR = trim($rsloan->fields['SSSAmor']);

$smarty->assign('LOAN', $LOAN);
$smarty->assign('AMOR', $AMOR);

$sql = "SELECT s.EMP_NO, p.EMP_ID, p.SSS, CONCAT(LNAME, ', ', FNAME, ' ', MI, '.') AS FULLNAME, s.SSSLoan, s.SSSAmor, s.DATE_PROCESS FROM $ADODB_DB.PERSONAL p, $ADODB_DB.employment em, $PAYROLL.sssloan s WHERE s.EMP_NO = em.EMP_NO AND p.EMP_ID = '$currentEmpID' AND em.EMP_ID = '$currentEmpID'";

$rs = $conn2->GetAll($sql);

$smarty->assign('getsss', $rs);

and here is the template code:

// this data will change if the EMP_ID was click
<input type="text" name="LOAN" value="{$LOAN}" size="9">
<input type="text" name="AMOR" value="{$AMOR}" size="9">

{section name=att loop=$getsss}
<td colspan="4" style="background: #e2e2e2" readonly="readonly">{$getsss[att].SSS}</td>
<td colspan="4" style="background: #e2e2e2" readonly="readonly" onclick="changeEmployee1('{$getsss[att].EMP_ID}')">{$getsss[att].EMP_NO}</td>
<!--<td colspan="4" style="background: #e2e2e2" readonly="readonly"><a href="SSSgetdata.php?queryEmpID={$getsss[att].EMP_ID}">{$getsss[att].EMP_NO}</td> -->
<td colspan="15" style="background: #e2e2e2" readonly="readonly">{$getsss[att].FULLNAME}</td>
<td colspan="4" style="background: #e2e2e2" readonly="readonly">{$getsss[att].SSSLoan}</td>
<td colspan="4" style="background: #e2e2e2" readonly="readonly">{$getsss[att].SSSAmor}</td>
<td colspan="4" style="background: #e2e2e2" readonly="readonly">{$getsss[att].DATE_PROCESS}</td>

<tr><td colspan="1">No DATA</td></tr>

My problem is in onclick,the data loan and amor was not change when i click EMP_ID.

Thank you