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View Full Version : How many exchange links in one keyword are Possible?

20 Jan 2012, 06:04 AM
I have start the last 7 weeks to exchange links , with my main keywords . Allready i have some good results in google for my main keywords , but not number 1 , but in the top 8 .

My question is thats my results for the future or maybe i will get better results later ? I have to wait more or I have to exchange more links with the same keywords or i can use different ones ?

21 Jan 2012, 02:37 AM

Keywords ranking depends on the number of relevant links not the number of total links. So you should build relevant links and it will help in keywords ranking.

I would suggest you to check the cache date of your backlinks resources and if they are not being cached than need to work for caching of those pages.