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View Full Version : Overlapping header and menu

15 Feb 2012, 06:21 PM
I am having an issue with my header and menu. My header is a .png with a transparent background. I am trying to place my menu roughly in the middle of the header and in the background (header in the foreground). I've played with different position attributes and could not get anything consistent between browsers. I am also not able to click on the menu as of now. Any advice on how to get this working would be greatly appreciated.


**It should appear how it does right now in Firefox and Chrome, with the Legoman overlapping the menu.


15 Feb 2012, 10:22 PM
Fixed link: http://legomenlax.com/about

You can't click on a menu if the image is overlapping it. I suggest breaking up the image, one part for the text to go above the menu, another for the legoman. That way you don't have to cover the buttons with the entire image.