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26 Jun 2012, 08:57 PM
Need some help with java? I'm looking to get some jobs done to bulk up my portfolio. So give me a message
and I'll get on it. I might have work to do, but I will get it done.

19 Nov 2012, 03:22 AM
You may provide more information about you so that others can know you better:)

06 Dec 2012, 08:48 PM
Yeah, I still do not know what exact is the problem.

14 Dec 2012, 04:39 AM
Britain's Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, is spending a lieutenant time in a central London sanatorium Tuesday after being admitted with serious morning sickness.

"The Duchess of Cambridge is continuing to experience improved," a St. James's Palace spokesman told CNN Tuesday afternoon.

Her cover up, Prince William, arrived Tuesday morning to visit her at King Edward VII Infirmary, after spending much of the epoch at her bedside Monday.

The word that he and Catherine are expecting their prime child after 19 months of marriage was announced past the palace Monday as she was admitted by reason of treatment, and followed months of tabloid speculation.
