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View Full Version : what is difference between onpage and offpage seo ???

13 Aug 2012, 12:59 AM
I heard that onpage and offpage are much different from each other I want to increase page rank of my new website and want to know which will be best for my website onpag or offpage seo.?

seo services (http://www.ecommangels.co.uk/seo-services/)


13 Aug 2012, 06:40 AM
On-page SEO is designing the website in friendly way. In these SEO search engine are tackled in a friendly way. Title of the website page can have the relevant and specific keywords so that it attracts more users and similarly knowing about the market demand can have competition with other websites or you can use specific keywords which are less used in other websites to catch traffic.

Off-page SEO it gets the link from other linked websites back with reference to the keywords. Talking about backlinks it is necessary to have quality links with relevant keywords so it gives meaning to the website.

13 Aug 2012, 06:54 AM

In case of on page optimization we make a change in website itself and try to provide the more and more accurate information to search engine. In case of off page optimization we promote our website by doing off page activities.

If you want to increase the PR of your website then the best possible solution is to create the high quality back-links for your website.

Hope you understand.

16 Aug 2012, 04:59 AM
Off page method is used to make your website popular in the search engine.There are various off page methods in the SEO.On page method is used to optimize the content of the website.Both are important methods of SEO technique.

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16 Aug 2012, 06:12 AM
On page SEO deals with the structure and content of the website. whereas off page deals with link building activities.

16 Aug 2012, 07:35 AM
On page optimization is changes made in the source page of the website for which your to rank in Google or any other search engine. On page optimization is also important for ranking because if the meta title tag or meta keyword must relevant to the site.
Off page optimization is a process such as book marking, directory submission, article submission and blogs.

17 Aug 2012, 04:02 AM
Onpage SEO means changes made in webste like content, keywords, decription etc, all direct changes in website are OnPage SEO,
Offpage SEO is used to build links for website it helps in increasing the search of that website. Some offpage techniques are blog commenting, article submission, social bookmarking, directory submission etc.

17 Aug 2012, 04:26 AM
On page optimization means, Some related changes in website code to get rankings higher in search engines. While Off page means that it relates to the optimization of web pages by making its backlinks. In Off page optimization we works on different link building methods like forum posting, directory submission, social bookmarking and reciprocal linking.

17 Aug 2012, 06:04 AM
There are lots of differences between on page optimization and off page optimization but the purpose is still same to get higher ranking in search engine. Its really big things and various factors comes in search engine so you should first study and if you get any kind of problem share with us..

eGrove Systems
29 Jan 2013, 01:18 AM
On page seo is the landing page content where we have a quality content, heading tag, Alt tag, URL.
Off page seo is the technique to increase the backilnk and increase traffic.

29 Jan 2013, 04:13 AM
On page and off page both are factors is best for promote your website in on page you have a see your site structures like a H1 to H6 tag, urls, Alt tag, images, content optimization etc...
Off page you increase your traffic with visitors landing your webpage so this is best....

29 Jan 2013, 07:08 AM
on page seo is which we do on the site like design and content change in order to optimize the site......and off page seo is which we do without using the site like submitting it to the directories.

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30 Jan 2013, 04:44 AM
On-Page method is mainly working with the webpage contents so in this process you have to go for the strong and attractive Title with relevant Keywords which attracts the users and increase your market demand.
While in Off-page method is completely based on the Linkbuilding which helps to get the backlinks with reference to your strong signatures and keywords to get high traffic.

30 Jan 2013, 05:48 AM

On page and off page both are totally different in case of on page we need to make the changes in our web pages for content, design, development etc

And in case of off page we need to create the quality back links for our website. With the help of off page by creating back links we are able to increase the PR. So go for quality back links and increase your PR immediately.

Hope this will useful for you.

30 Jan 2013, 06:51 AM
On-page optimization includes the information/content on site and Of-page optimization includes the search engine optimization of the site (i.e., Link building) by using seo tactics like: Article submission, Blog posting, Directory submission, Forum posting,.......etc.

18 Feb 2013, 04:14 AM
On page SEO is basically which we perform on site pages while Off page which we perform Out side the page.