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03 Sep 2012, 02:23 AM
Hi !
I want to know about hosting panel ?
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24 Sep 2012, 01:07 PM
A control panel in web hosting is a web-based interface provided by the hosting company that allows customers to manage their various hosted services in a single place.I have no any more knowledge.

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25 Sep 2012, 12:17 AM
A hosting control panel is an interface that makes managing many features of your website very easy.

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25 Sep 2012, 12:27 AM
Yes, I agree with Jenely.

12 Oct 2012, 02:30 AM
In web hosting, is a web-based interface provided by the hosting company that allows customers to manage their various hosted
services in a single place. here you can check http://www.webhostings.in

Some of the commonly available modules in most control panels:

-Access to server logs.
-Details of available and used webspace and bandwidth.
-Maintaining FTP users’ accounts.
-Visitor statistics using web log analysis software.
-Managing database.
-Email account configuration.

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15 Oct 2012, 01:10 AM
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15 Oct 2012, 04:07 AM
A control panel, in web hosting, is a web-based interface provided by the hosting company that allows customers to manage their various hosted services in a single place.

Highly Used Hosting panels are Control panel and Cpanel.. They are the simple ones..

Hosting Raja is a Leading Web Hosting Company from India, provides Cpanel to Manage Hosting services. And do provide various hosting packages @ Cheapest rates in India.

16 Oct 2012, 06:11 AM
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18 Oct 2012, 05:47 AM
What is the best free Linux control panel for hosting?
What would you say is the best (free) Linux control panel for hosting? I'm mostly considering Webmin for mine.

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25 Oct 2012, 02:42 AM
Hi !
I want to know about hosting panel ?
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Hosting Control Panel is a script that offers users a friendly web interface to configure and manage a web server or part of it (in case of a shared hosting plan). This is a very important element that greatly affects the usability of web hosting. For the inexperienced user who doesn't understand anything in server administration, the control panel's convenient interface will be a substitute for the traditional manual editing of configuration files and entering commands in shell-e. The main functions of the control panel are:

Adding, removing, and configuring domains and subdomains
Managing e-mail users
Anti-spam program configuration
Managing FTP users
Configuration and administration of MySQL databases
Web Server Statistics display
Managing files and folders on the server
Configuring Web Server Security

In my opinion,cPanel is the most popular Linux-based hosting control panel. Has many diverse functions. Only for web servers running on ОС Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS or FreeBSD.

We also use Plesk panel on our server .This panel is used both for Linux and Windows-based servers. Features excellent expansiveness using additional modules and supports a large number of OS : Centos, Redhat, CloudLinux, Windows, Ubuntu, Debian, OpenSUSE. Established in 2001.

The other panels which you can use for managing your site are: DirectAdmin, Vdesk,ISP.

04 Nov 2012, 12:46 AM
A cpanel, in web web host, is a web-based program offered by the host that allows customers to handle their various organised services in a single place.

10 Dec 2012, 05:55 AM
Any free service provider....

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17 Dec 2012, 06:31 AM
It's Control Panel It's a panel which hosting companies provide with there plans, it helps to manage the files and software in the server space, A dashboard which gives information like space available, files uploaded and etc..

06 Feb 2013, 12:06 AM
Control panel is an web-interface to manage the site easily while hosting it.In shared hosting we won't get control panel.It is mostly provided for VPS & Dedicated or Semi-dedicated.cPanel is the most prefered control panel.The rest are Hepsia,DirectAdmin etc.,.You can see a demo on how do a control panel works and how it is helpful to maintain the site at 9cubehosting.com (http://www.9cubehosting.com/?lang=en&action=cp_demo)

06 Feb 2013, 12:43 AM
I am unable to edit my comment so I'm posting again here.

I had found that Control panels can be used for any kind of hosting either shared,VPS,dedicated or semi-dedicated and they are available for all.We can maintain many sites which are associated to the hosting account using one Control panel account.