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22 Oct 2012, 02:42 AM
Tips to reduce Bounce Rate:

1. Provide Relevant Content : It is no-brainer for us to provide relevant page content to our audience. But sometimes we don’t know how to do so. Knowing our visitors is one thing, optimizing our pages for them is another. Relevant content can be described as writing good content that is easy to understand (minimize introduction of unnecessary technical term or connect using the language they speak).

2. Provide Enough Content:Let’s make sure we provide enough information to our visitors. That can be in a form of photos, videos, related links and of course enough copy.

3. Update Content Regularly: One of the reasons visitors leave a landing page is that the information presented there is inaccurate, irrelevant or outdated.

4. Make Our Content Readable: Having good amount of content is sometimes not enough. There needs to be a proper placement of bold text, bullet points or italics or maybe division of content into shorter, digestible portions. It is important to note that visitors don’t immediately read content, they quickly scan it, hoping to find clues whether the article is interesting or not.

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Hire Developer
22 Oct 2012, 02:57 AM
Great information dear, Bounce rate is pretty important part which shows your site popularity or how much people like your content. It will surely reduce if you want good traffic.

22 Oct 2012, 06:21 AM
Thats true. Content is main thing in all process.

23 Oct 2012, 01:09 AM
One more time Content is the "KING"....
We have to provide what people wants not what search engine wants.
As we all know the Google loves the Fresh Content so, We have to provide Fresh Content to our Visitors.


24 Oct 2012, 10:00 PM
We reduce bounce rate in different ways,these ways are very much important and reduce bounce rate in different ways.First of all we make more and more quality content and secondly make Our Content Readable.one way link building services (http://www.seowebconsultant.net/link-building-packages)

25 Oct 2012, 04:20 AM
Bounce rate increase when people are coming at your page but do not spending time on this. In this case you need analysis the behavior of your visitors like he reach there by searching toys and he is not getting anything related to toy so you need to put something related to toy.

In this way user will spend some amount of time on your webpage and your bounce rate automatically decrease.

25 Oct 2012, 04:53 AM
I wanted to thank you for this great read!!
It is very important to reduce bounce rates to a webmaster or blogger for his blog or website, because the reduction of Bounce Rate respectively increase the Avg.

25 Oct 2012, 06:02 AM
Thank you for share this info about reducing bounce rate mostly use clear content when users read effective content is the best method for user's mind and he knows very well regarding category wise so users landing a page and after that he rounding in websites. so this is not good.....

25 Oct 2012, 06:31 AM
My site has 44 bounce rate buy alexa show 66 why

James Donovan
26 Oct 2012, 04:30 PM
Follow these 3 tips reduce bounce rate your websites

Increase your content quality
Add related links to your blog
Improve your blog template

26 Oct 2012, 10:14 PM
The bounce rate can i***uence the rank of a website and it is the reflection of whether visitors like this website or not. The bounce rate shall be lower than 50% for a good website. Yeah, conten is the most important one.

27 Oct 2012, 08:42 PM
Its true that we need to keep a track on our old post too but the problem is people search anything in google and they get redirected to your site thus increasing the bounce rate.

In my site I found people coming in coz of spell error too dunno how it happens.

I do totally agree that bounce rate is must and we should keep a check on it to reduce it as much as possible.


16 Nov 2012, 03:16 AM
Bounce rate describe percentage of visitors that come to your page and don’t go to any others within the same site. if you’ve extra time and money to spend into SEO and paid ads to get visitors to your site.Be prepared for Ad Placement.One more thing is that less page loading time can reduce it.