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View Full Version : HOw social media can help SEO, when Panda and Penguin are hear?

19 Dec 2012, 06:18 AM
First came news of Panda having vanquished the mountain of content farms and then Penguin waded in to do away with the spam that ranked at the top of Google; Confused? Well, we are talking about the algorithm changes Google made to do away with spun and bogus content so that SEO went back to being clean and honest. Now, coming to how Panda and Penguin affected the social media marketing efforts, we have a fair bit to elaborate.

For more read this post: http://www.selfgrowth.com/articles/what-are-the-impacts-of-social-media-in-seo-after-panda-and-penguin

20 Dec 2012, 05:30 AM
Social media is the best way to promotion you have a created a Application, for promote, and also added a approved urls, and added a friend's and followers so this is best point of view....