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View Full Version : Which is better for SEO - DIY or Hire someone

28 Dec 2012, 05:19 AM
People always talks about SEO, should one do it yourself or hire an agency? You can do SEO by yourself as it is not a rocket science, but optimizing website for users DIY is not possible for everyone. You have to hire SEO agency to make your website good for visitors as well as search engines. I know Google always tells that make your website better for real users not for bots. If a website is good for visitors, real users then by default it will be good for search engines also. Google always keeps changing its algorithms to make search results better and keeps websites on top which are really good for human visitors. SEO is must either you do by your own or hire an agency, but expecting top ranking by SEO is not good. No one can guarantee top ranking, but there are agencies which can optimize your website for better visibility. What do you think?

29 Dec 2012, 05:38 AM
SEO is the best way for promotion at that post my opinion is you hire a any SEO Analyst so your SEO related all factors use it in website submission....

01 Jan 2013, 05:01 AM

As i think a individual can not make SEO best because in this we have so many field and one is expert single one. So you need to contact some organization there you will get expert for every field and make your work more better.

Hope you understood.