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View Full Version : Server to sign up with ...

09 Apr 2024, 06:57 AM
Comparing servers from allwebhost.com (https://allwebhost.com/dedicated-servers/) and owned-networks.net (https://www.owned-networks.net/dedicated.html), which way is better to have a deal with as I plan to host a blog?
What do you think?

18 Apr 2024, 02:43 PM
These companies - allwebhost.com and owned-networks.net - are worth trying due to their top-notch services.
We recommend a lot of clients to these hosts for hosting, and have never had problems. They are very proactive in security- this is really impressive! When you speak with their people, there's no guessing- like some other hosts. The people KNOW, they UNDERSTAND and they can communicate and action- in a positive, results-oriented manner.