need someone to come up with a stunning design for some print/web advertising material.
Your screen name and service provider ID will be shown off on the ad. Initially we will print 10.000 copies, with more to come.
Print Quality Resolution - i.e. 300 dpi or higher
Must be suitable for:
> 210 x 146mm (dual sided print) - main use
> and 90 x 54mm (only the image page).
Color Scheme should fit with the color scheme of the website.
All textual areas must be editable in the final version
Job Aids:
Attached zip file containing a very rough mockup of the concept. Do not use the color scheme, or images from this image. high resolution images can be made available when we accept the winning bid.
The winning service provider will be selected based on the quality of their IT-Globalized service provider profile on the 27th of October.
For more detail refer to:
Last edited by ITG; 13 Oct 2007 at 06:30 AM.