I'm having trouble separating an element from an array that I've taken from the database.

here is how it currently displays.....

Title one
2009-03-08 20:53:25 new comment by UserID4

Title Two
2009-03-09 01:35:29 new comment by UserID4

Title Two

2009-03-09 01:39:08 new comment by UserID4

Title Three
2009-03-10 22:26:54 new comment by UserID10

But want it to display:

if Entry_ID's are identical, display the corresponding Entry_Title only once with the rest of the info following
as below...

Title one
2009-03-08 20:53:25 new comment by 4

Title Two
2009-03-09 01:35:29 new comment by 4
2009-03-09 01:39:08 new comment by 4

Title Three
2009-03-10 22:26:54 new comment by 10

Here is a print_r of the arrays.....from my query:"SELECT Entry_Title, Entry_Date, comment.Dream_ID, Comment_Date, comment.User_ID FROM comment, entry WHERE comment.Entry_ID=entry.Entry_ID AND dentry.User_ID=$User_ID AND Comment_Read='FALSE'";


[Entry_Title] => Title One

[Entry_Date] => 2009-02-26
[Entry_ID] => 31

[Comment_Date] => 2009-03-08 20:53:25
[User_ID] => 4


[Entry_Title] => Title Two
[Entry_Date] => 2009-02-26

[Entry_ID] => 27
[Comment_Date] => 2009-03-09 01:35:29

[User_ID] => 4

[Entry_Title] => Title Two

[Entry_Date] => 2009-02-26
[Entry_ID] => 27

[Comment_Date] => 2009-03-09 01:39:08
[User_ID] => 4


[Entry_Title] => Title Three
[Dream_Date] => 2009-02-26

[Entry_ID] => 25
[Entry_Date] => 2009-03-10 22:26:54

[User_ID] => 10

Here is my function...

protected function displayNewComments()

$new_comment = $this->model->getReadComment($_SESSION['User_ID']);

$html ='<div id="user">'."\n";

$html .="<div class='entry_header_space'>".$new_comment."</div>";
echo $html;




$html .=$comments['Comment_Date'] ." new comment by ".$comments['User_ID'] ;

echo $html;


(I've tried various things but none of them work quite right.)