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Thread: Png Background image colors don't match CSS colors

  1. #1
    ajblanck Guest

    Question Png Background image colors don't match CSS colors

    I have an issue with my website's png background images not having the same color as the CSS-defined single-color background. The website is

    I am running Firefox 3.5 Beta 4, and I think that the problem may have something to do with color correction.

    I inserted an image of what I am seeing. I would appreciate if somebody could help me with this issue.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009
    I have two guesses:

    1) Colorspace information stored in the png image. Your browser then "compensates" for this colorspace.

    2) the png is not 24 (or 32) bit. You may have in less than 8-bit colors, indexed, or a myriad of other possibilities that png allows.


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