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Thread: Compare recordset with integer

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Compare recordset with integer

    Here's what I have to do after a user clicks the Submit button:
    1. Verify an IDNumber is valid
    2. Verify a password entry is correct

    I'm using mySQL as a backend, and the table has only two columns: IDNumber and video.

    If 1. and 2. are correct, I update a field, video, to 1 in order to give someone credit for seeing a training video.

    I've done a recordset for the first text box in order to return a 1 or 0 to validate the IDNumber, Recordset2.TotalRecords

    What I don't know how to do is to take the recordset for the IDNumber, compare it with a variable for the password, and post a value to a label (lblWarning) that the user has issues the the IDNumber or password.........or to tell them they now have credit for seeing the video.

    I'm trying the following for a start but getting syntax errors:
    If (Recordset2.TotalRecords=1) {lblWarning = "This is a valid IDNumber"}

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Derby, UK
    That does not look much like PHP code to me, more like or similar, but anyway, if you can show a little more of your code (the query and what you do with it, you may get a better response.

    From what you have said I am not clear on several points:
    - Where does the password come from if it is not in the database?
    - What is lblWarning (if it is a variable it needs a $ at the front)?
    - Is the IDNumber specific to the user? If so how is it set and if not then I think your table structure is flawed.

    Really hard to understand what youa re trying to achieve without more info.

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