Hi there,

Upon following an example from an ASP book, i have stumbled across the MS Access data source connection error message:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

/20527796/assignment2/verify.asp, line 115

I have been told to specify the database name as my user ID (20527796) which i have also specified in the code:


	Sub Application_OnStart()
		Application("SiteURL") = "http://intasp.bcuc.ac.uk/20527796/assignment2/"
		Application("DBSource") = "20527796"
		Application("LogonErrFile") = "LogonErr.asp"
		Application("AccessErrFile") = "AccessErr.asp"	
	End Sub
	Sub Session_OnStart()
		Session("IsGoodUser") = False
		Session("FirstName") = ""
		Session("LastName") = ""
		Session("CurrentURL") = ""
		Session("UserID") = ""
	End Sub
	Sub Application_OnEnd()

	End Sub
	Sub Session_OnEnd()
	End Sub

default.asp contains the log in dialog. verify.asp is fired up once the visitor clicks 'logon' to verify that they are registered within the database and that the user name and password matches. verify.asp checks the database for these items, but its seems as though it cannot locate the database:



Sub GetNames(LoginID, FirstName, LastName)

    Dim cn 'Connection var
    Dim rs 'Recordset var
    Dim strSQL 'SQL Statement var
    Dim strCn 'Connection String var

    'Create a Connection Object
    Set cn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    'Make the SQL statement that returns
    'the user with password, should one exist
    strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblTeachers WHERE TeacherID = '"
    strSQL = strSQL & LoginID & "'"

    'Set error trappong
   'On Error Resume Next
    'Open the Connection
    cn.ConnectionString = "DSN=" & Application("DBSource")
    If Err Then Exit Sub

    'Get the user from the DB
    rs.Open strSQL, cn
    If Err Then Exit Sub

    'This checks to make sure if no
    'recordset was returned
    MyErr = rs("FirstName")
    If err then
		Exit Sub
	End if
	'Wire up the return fields
	FirstName = rs("FirstName")
	LastName = rs("LastName")

End Sub

Function Login(LoginID, Password)

    Dim cn 'Connection var
    Dim rs 'Recordset var
    Dim strSQL 'SQL Statement var
    Dim strCn 'Connection String var

    'Create a Connection Object
    Set cn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    'Make the SQL statement that returns
    'the user with password, should one exist
    strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblLogin WHERE LoginName = '"
    strSQL = strSQL & LoginID & "'"

    'Set error trappong
   On Error Resume Next
    'Open the Connection
    cn.ConnectionString = "DSN=" & Application("DBSource")
    If Err Then Exit Function

    'Get the user from the DB
    rs.Open strSQL, cn
    If Err Then Exit Function

    'This checks to make sure if no
    'recordset was returned
    MyErr = rs("PWD")
    If err then
		Exit Function
	End if

    'If the passwords match up, return TRUE
    If rs("PWD") = Password Then
        Login = True
       Login = False
    End If
    'Leave town
End Function

'=========Entry Point============
If Login(Request.Form("LoginID"), Request.Form("PWD")) Then
	'Set a session level var for the UserID
	Session("UserID") = Request.Form("LoginID")

	Dim FirstName
	Dim LastName

	'Get the teachers First Name and Last Name
	GetNames Session("UserID"), FirstName, LastName

	'Set a session level var for the FirstName and LastName
	If FirstName <> "" Then Session("FirstName") = FirstName
	If LastName <> "" Then Session("LastName") = LastName
	'If the login data is good, redirect the visitor
	'to the site's content directory
	Session("IsGoodUser") = True
	Response.Redirect "main.asp"
	'Report a logon error.
	Response.Redirect Application("LogonErrFile")
End If

It may be that the connection string is of the wrong type for the desired connection. If this is the problem, is there an alternative way to connect to the database.

p.s. I have granted full access permissions over the database to eliminate permission problems.

Any help towards this quandrary will be appreciated.

Many thanks,
