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Thread: new

  1. #1


    Puerto Vallarta fishing new design I took everyone's advice and lost the photo as the backround it would be reat to et some feed back!!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Werrington, England
    I mean no offense when I say that your website looks like something from the 90's. The characteristics of 90's design are...
    - Borders on everything
    - Poor image quality
    - Static and dull buttons
    - Unreadable masses of text

    These are things you should change first.

    - Never call a page "Home", Give it a real name
    - The image quality on the top image could be better, furthermore i think it would benefit from being a jpef instead of gif. This will both improve the quality and reduce the filesize.
    - Do something with your buttons, they are dull. Add a CSS rollover, (google it) this alone will help the apparence of your site.
    - Finally paragraph's. Online most people skim read articles, blocks of text are a no no. Break them up using the <p></p> tags

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