Hi everyone, and thank you so much for reading!

I would like to install a download counter on my website for one specific file. The file is located on http://www.benetonfilms.com/bmg.zip. The thing is, I want to keep that URL. In other words, I want a download to be added to the total count when somebody downloads this file directly. I don't want a script that would require people to download the file from another URL for the download to be counted (such as http://www.benetonfilms.com/dl_count.cgi?file=bmg.zip, if you see what I mean). I have found many of these scripts online, but it is really not what I need. I do know about redirection (so I could redirect bmg.zip to dl_count.cgi?file=bmg.zip), but I'd like to stay away from that solution as much as possible. Is this request possible?

Thank you very very much,

Benoit Rouleau