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Thread: Impossible contact page.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Devon, UK

    Angry Impossible contact page.

    I have been working on this for 36hours without sleep and to say Im ready to truly re-boot the hell out of my pc probably isnt too far !!

    All I am trying to do is get my contact page at (which dynadot has decided to ignore my nameserver settings to push to to send me the user's inputs from my Contact page...yeh, yeh should be simple eh - tell Fasthosts that !
    I've tried Matts Script Archive and I get 'Bad recipient' and I'm now trying a Perl script called 'formmail_compat-3.14c1' which doesn't work at all .

    I know that it's not :
    1..the fact that my site has gone down (it wouldn't work even when it was up)
    2..I have configured the form okay Contact page HTML is okay.

    Maybe Fashosts are just cr*p ??????
    What do you think ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Your link doesn't work, so I can't look at what you've done and I'm not sure I understand all that you're trying to explain, but at least I can give some thoughts.

    First off, isn't the Matt's Script Archive script you're trying to use about 10 years old? That and the other PERL script you have may not be your best choices. The second script that doesn't work, do you have access to your site's error logs? If not, PERL scripts can be nearly impossible to troubleshoot as you can't get the feedback you need to fix what's wrong. As long as PERL is installed and running on the server, the host isn't the problem.

    I'd suggest you find and install a PHP script that does the same thing. They are generally easier to install and get running and some even have installer scripts that configure everything for you. You can go to sites like and find numerous ones (many free, some commercial) to try out. One option, especially good if you expect to have different forms running in the future, is Form Tools, a free script that will process your form for you with a lot of options available as to how to handle the data (email, database, spreadsheet, printed). Requires PHP and MySQL to run, but is pretty easy to install and a powerful option for form handling (although perhaps a bit of overkill if you just want some text emailed to you).

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