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Thread: Software development services - where to find?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Software development services - where to find?

    Global economic crisis may force you to reduce cost of operation. But, IT and software requirements of your business are not going to be reduced unless and until you minimize your scale of operation. And, this minimization is further more troublesome.

    In such a situation, outsourcing a software development task to India can be a feasible and efficient solution. As far as quality of the outsourced software is concerned, you should not have any hesitation because every second CMMI level 5 company is an Indian. And, there are scores of level 3 and 4 companies at a healthy competitive atmosphere in India trying their best to achieve the level 5 status.

    They have proficiency and exposure to complete life cycle of software development. Along with quality, lower cost, better IP protection and timely delivery are other benefits of outsourcing software development to India.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    I've only known one person who goes to india to outsource their web development, but I think it's lousy. It's costing programmers here to lose jobs. I hope American's get some sense knocked into them, and realize that if you want more than just a website, and want consultation and a person they can meet face to face, and really promote their site, then they will go to a programmer locally.

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