Quality Flash Games - Review and Suggest Improvements - Game Requests


[I]QUALITY FLASH GAMES - "Where Better Games Are Played"[/I]

Please Review my website - Issues of Interest (Game Requests, SEO, Logo/Banner, Options, Google Ads, General Impressions and Suggestions)

Whats next...

Game Requests - all you flash games fanatics i need your help, please suggest great flash games i dont have yet that i can add for you and anyone else and let me know if you think ive put games in that arent worthy of the site name - Quality Flash Games... Input here is welcome, as i have spent hours already testing many games, I need many more, please include hyper links. PS ive included a handy FORM for all GAME REQUESTS located on the Main Page!!

SEO - I have great search result for my main page for search "Quality Flash Games" in all the major search engines - Google, Yahoo, MSN Live Search.. However for the main search im interested in search "Flash Games" im pretty much nowhere to be seen... Any suggestions on how to crack the top 5 pages for this search would be much appreciated, also is there anyway to find out what google result page im on lol.

Logo /Banner - Im interested in recieving a quality BANNER - i would accredit any Banner Selected as work contributed by the artist via mention of name or business name where they see fit.. Any suggestions how to improve the banner would be great too, im only new to photoshop CS3 and have pretty much done a cut and paste job of some favourite characters of games found in site..

Google Ads - After over 800 hits, im not making money, i have gamers ads referring and am getting quite a few hits from self referring bookmarks, any ideas on how to improve google ad hits here whilst im not recieving much traffic?

General Impressions and Suggestions - Now is your chance to throw in any comments or ideas on what you think and what you would do to improve the site in order to give it more traffic, more enjoyment, ease of use etc etc, I greatly appreciate all comments.

My first website project, i look forward to comments and suggestions, and will endevour to take all necessary steps suggested here that improve the site..

The Link - Quality Flash Games