Hi everyone

Well I am kinda new to web design but I am not new to computers. I have studied every aspect of computing from the lower interface ( don' understand a word of it ) operating system binary source up to higher level ( kinda understand it ) levels of php, networking , web design installations ect ect .

I think that one of my better skills is problem solving, and after visiting alot of forums I do see now how many of us are pulling our hair out with web integration and testing out new technologies that are supposedly to keep up ahead of the game and in the limelight .

So my position is that I want to become part of a team of create a team of web designers that will focus on the different aspects of integration, graphic design , content management ect ect .

There is one catchall to this and this is my question .

I am an m_c_s sufferer ( multiple chemical sensitivity) and I would like to align myself with people that share the same disability who are also engaged in finding financial freedom through the use of the internet .

My research shows me that we are a needle in a haystack of people and without the joy of world wide access I doubt if I could realise such a team and i am still a bit skeptical that I might get involved with the right people .

But if you an in anyway help me out I would sure appreciate it ! ( oops)
posted: Nov 20/ 09

My profile has a home page url to find out a bit more about me .