
I've been searching everywhere for this subject but I can't seem to find the answer, probably because I'm not asking in the proper way.

It's kinda hard because my english isn't very good. anyways...

If someone knows this, (I'm not sure I'm also asking in the right place but I've tried everywhere else), what's the system that allows a website to transform a Money transfer into a credit in the user's account.

For example the Betting or Poker Sites.
When you choose to make a deposit they will give you a lot of possibilities to make a transfer, but when you do the transfer what's the script or the system that recognizes: Ok... this person made a transfer of 50$, this person is the user "Username" so let's make it so the user has 50€ available in his account.

I don't know if I'm making myself clear. I know how the transfers work... I use them a lot. But don't understand what's the PHP script or JAVA or What the hell it is that makes possible for the website to recognize that the money that was transfered from X Bank account to "WebsiteOwner" Bank Account is from user "Username" and then makes the credit available in the User account, so he can bet or play.

If anyone could please tell me something or anything about this i would appreciate. Even the system name so I can google it or read on wikipedia. Because everytime I try to type Transfer Money To Website or all the possible and imaginary ways to type it in Google I get a lot of results that has anything to do with what I'm looking for, obviously.

Well thanks, for any help.

Best Regards,