Hey all,

Okay, so I look up a website in Alexa.com and I'm seeing a graph of Daily Reach % trailing 1 month. The line zigzags around 0.03. What exactly does that number mean? Is that 300 people every month? More? Less?

The next tab over I'm seeing Pageviews. The numbers range from 0.000979 to 0.00093. Again, I do not understand what those numbers mean. I would assume something called Page views would show, there has been 2800 views of this page this month. Or whatever. What the heck is that stuff up there, 0.000979? I don't get it. I know I'm insanely new to this. I read their little explanation and I'm still a little clueless, I thought it could be as simple as... 5000 people visited this site this month. On this day they had 2k visitors. On this week they had 4k visitors. That sort've thing.

Am I wrong? Or do I need to look elsewhere for that?