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Thread: Legal Question

  1. #1
    gameday Guest

    Legal Question

    Hi to the forums.

    I have a legal question and I was hoping here could answer.

    I am new to website design and am creating my first website. It is a news site about an up and coming basketball player. I would like to post articles from other websites in order to have enough content to keep visitors around. Of course, I have no intention of copying the articles and claiming they are my own. I intend to do things the legal way by giving full credit to the original author.

    My question is this:

    Is it legal for me to post the article on my site and at the end give full credit to the author and a link to the original article? What is the proper way to go about this?

    Thank you!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    No, you can't. There is a "fair use" exception in copyright law that allows you to quote a portion (but not a substantial portion) of an article. You can then use that to link to the full article on another website. News services do this as do many political blogs.

    One example that does this combined with many of their own, original material is thevHuffington Post. If you look at the site it resembles a newspaper with multiple sections and has headlines and short blurbs about topics that you click through to read the full article. Sometimes they are HuffPost written things; other times they will send you to another site. That's likely the best model for you to follow.

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