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Thread: Best Way to Make Our Website...Wordpress, Joomla, Dreamweaver, etc.

  1. #1
    markphopkins Guest

    Best Way to Make Our Website...Wordpress, Joomla, Dreamweaver, etc.


    We are trying to make a homeschooling want to provide lot's of free information as well as sell products on it. Can you recommend the best way to go about this?

    Our friend recommended using Thesis Wordpress and I have made [~ website removed by mod ~] in Thesis. The problem is that I don't know if thesis is very compatible with shopping carts. The other options I am considering include joomla, Dreamweaver, and site builder. We are hoping to have a website that has an easy user interface.

    Any recommendations?

    Email: [~ Email Removed By Mod ~]
    Last edited by <>; 22 Apr 2010 at 06:22 PM.

  2. #2
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    To answer your question:

    Joomla, is a content management system (basically you use it to maintain your website content)
    Dreamweaver is a HTML/PHP/CSS etc, (pretty much a code editor).

    They are both different, if you plan to use joomla, you will need a theme/template. Which you would create in Dreamweaver (or similar software).

    If you are after an easy interface, wordpress has the easiest interface, but its probably no good for what you want. So i would say Joomla is your best bet.

    Ive never used sitebuilder, but it sounds like its going to a be like "mrsite", if you've ever used that. Which should be names "mrsh*te", its good for a basic website, but rubbish if you want something a little more sophisticated. With a name like Sitebuilder it sounds like its a similar piece of software.

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