I am having a problem with either my code or Godaddy servers... Please help

In my Index page, I call the pl form as follows:
<form method="post" action="eFormMail_test.pl"/>

In my PERL form, I call the pl form as follows:
$mailprog = '/usr/sbin/sendmail -oi -t';
$postmaster = '';
@referers = qw(test.studyatnational.info localhost);
@allow_mail_to = qw

In the Error: GET request:
If you are attempting to configure this form to run with FormMail, you need to set the request method to POST in the opening form tag, like this: <form action="/cgi-bin/FormMail.pl" method="post">

<form method="post" action="eFormMail_test.pl"/> has always worked for me... it even started acting up on previously working files... I can see the failes there but Godaddy is gives me an error "The webpage cannot be found" on Refresh it gives me the Error: GET request....

Any suggestions on what may be happening and how I can fix the issue? (http://studyatnational.info/test/eFormMail_test.pl)
