Hello, i am new to the site and to web development in general. I sort of have been throwing the idea around to pick up a language or two to learn, and through some deliberation i choose web development. I've been in need of a productive hobby for awhile... to much video game playing.
From experience i've learned if you want to learn anything a good community is a great place to start. This was the first site that poped up when i did a Google for html community. From the looks of it to it seems to be decently active (at least compared to some i happened upon) and has a knowledgeable user base.
I am a big question asker on things that i just cant figure out, but so far in my learning I've not had any real snags... but i am just starting and html is the first thing i am teaching myself.. i am sure when i work into css, javascript, and php ill be a lot more confused.