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Thread: for loop issue!

  1. #1
    efc_90 Guest

    for loop issue!


    Hi all,

    I have a problem where I'm trying to load data into multiple divs. They are payslips, so p1, goes into january, p2 into febuary etc. I want to onLoad them all so when the page is loaded they are all displayed.

    Every time I try this, the loop automatically goes to the last iteration, 6 in this example, so the only div that is loaded is p6.

    Here is my code:

    function replace(slip, year) {"POST", "do_payslips_ajax.php", true);
    xmlHttpReq.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
    xmlHttpReq.onreadystatechange=function() {

    if(xmlHttpReq.readyState == 4) {

    document.getElementById("p" + slip).innerHTML = xmlHttpReq.responseText;




    function getquery(slip,year) {

    strQuery = "weekmonth=" + slip + "." + year;
    return strQuery;


    function loadpayslips(year) {

    for (slip=1; slip<=6; slip++) {

    replace(slip, year);



    <body onload = loadpayslips(11)> search</a> &nbsp;&nbsp;

    <div id="p1">

    <div id="p2">
    month 2</div>

    <div id="p3">
    month 5</div>


    Any help would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Have you considered loading all of your data in one hit? It's pretty expensive in terms of network traffic to make a request for each slip.

    If your do_payslips_ajax.php script returned a JSON array of all pay slips for a particular year you could then loop the results and build the view from that.

    For example, do_payslips_ajax.php returns:
      slips: [
        {text: "slip text 1"},
        {text: "slip text 2"},
        {text: "slip text 3"},
        {text: "slip text 4"},
        {text: "slip text 5"}
    Then if your processing code something like:

    var data = JSON.parse( http_request.responseText );
    for(var i=0; i<data.slips.length; i++){
      document.getElementById("p" + i).innerHTML = data.slips[i].text;
    You may also want to look at using a library like jQuery which will give you much more robust code and better cross browser support.

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