From Digg's integration, I got the following code:

<a href="http://digg.com/submit?url=http%3A//futurepocket.com&amp;title=Future%20Pocket" rev="news, business"><span style="display:none">
Check out Future Pocket for the latest updates in Sports, Entertainment, Lifestyle, Technology and Business!
</span><img src="http://futurepocket.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/digg.png" alt="Digg it" border="0"></img></a>

You can see it on http://futurepocket.com in the header. The problem is, when you click the Digg button, it doesn't enter the description or select the "rev" or topics even though I've defined it in the code according to Digg's website here:


Anyone know what could be wrong?