hi guys, im new to this community and i have a question

i currently got a script which loads a bunch of addresses on an excel file, but it does not work as soon as i load it onto a webserver, i tried it on a linux webhost and a local server. it does nothing when i load it when its on a server

any ideas?

it is wierd beacuse, it works 100% when i just run it outside of a server

function getAddrListFromXLS(xlsFile){
 // open
 /*一:主要是Scripting.FileSystemObject (FSO 文本文件读写)被关闭了,
       开启FSO功能即可,在“运行”中执行regsvr32 scrrun.dll
 var html = "" ;
 _xlsAddrFileName = xlsFile ;
 var xls = new ActiveXObject("Excel.Application");
 xls.Visible = false;
 var x1Book = xls.Workbooks.Open(xlsFile); 
 // read
 var idxColAddr = 6, idxColSub = 7, idxLst= 4, idxFst=5;
 var allCells = xls.ActiveSheet.Cells;
 var rowNum = xls.ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count ;
 var fstRow= 4 ;
 var i=fstRow, clAddr, clSub; 
 var h = '<li onclick="onSelectAddr(this);return false;"><a href="void(0)">' ;
 var t = '</a></li>\n';
  _arr_addrs = [];
  _arr_users = [];

 for(; i <= rowNum ; i++){
  var user = allCells(i, idxFst).Value ;
  user += " "+ allCells(i, idxLst).Value ;
  _arr_users[i] = user ;
  var val = allCells(i, idxColAddr).Value ;
  val += " "+ allCells(i, idxColSub).Value ;
  _arr_addrs[i] = val ;
  html += h;
  html += val ;
  html += t ;
 // close
 //xls.visible   =   false;
  html = _txt_noAddrList ;
  _xlsAddrFileName = null ;
 return html ;

function selectAddrFile(ctrl) {
 var file = ctrl.value ;
 if (file == "" || file == undefined) {
  return ;
 // 加载xls文件,初始地址列表
 var txt = getAddrListFromXLS(file) ;
 if (txt == null) {
  alert("fail to open xls file ! - " + file);
  return ;
 setAddrList(txt) ;

function setAddrList(txt) {
 var ctrl = document.getElementById("lstAddr") ;
 if (ctrl == undefined) {
  return ;
 if (txt == undefined) {
  txt= _txt_noAddrList ;
 ctrl.innerHTML = txt;
also is there any other way to get this to work on other browsers other than IE?