I wouldn't do it your way, but I can make your method work like this:-
CSS edits:-
.roundcont { position: relative;
width: 250px;
background-color: #949F83;
color: #fff;
float: right;
height: 200px;/*200px;*/
width: 281px;
.roundbottom { height: 15px; clear: both; background-color: #949F83;
................Lake - Kamloops</a></td><tr></table>
</div><!--end of .roundtop-->
<div class='roundbottom'><img src='images/bl.gif' alt=''width='15'
height='15' class='corner' style='position: absolute; left:0;'
/><img src='images/br.gif' alt=''width='15' height='15' class='corner'
style='position: absolute; right:0;' />
</div><!--end of .roundbottom-->
</div><!--end of .roundcont-->
Code downloaded to my PC will be deleted in due course.
WIN7; IE9, Firefox, Opera, Chrome and Safari for Windows; screen resolution usually 1366*768.
Also IE6 on W98 with 800*600 and IE8 on Vista 1440*900.